5 month check-in


Over the course of the years here, the balance of the posts have been on personal / daily / life updates ... versus cooking. In the last two years or so, the swing has been much more towards documenting cooking adventures... and travel. It felt like the right time to chime in with an update - especially since I've had this post in draft for two months. It was originally titled "3 month check-in"...  and it's two months late... which makes it a 5 month update.

famous blueberry muffins


Muffins aren't exactly one of my favorite breakfast items - but they are pretty great. They are perfectly utilitarian for  multiple flavor combinations, travel eating, and can skew from "healthy" to "not at all healthy" in a hot second.

I'll admit that I tend to lean towards bagels (or even cinnamon buns) before I grab a muffin - but they do have a place in my heart without a doubt. Almost a sentimental fondness from Martha's Vineyard breakfasts at Mrs. Miller's Muffins to splitting the grilled blueberry muffin at Metropolis in Boston's South End. Muffins feel slightly indulgent to me. Probably because I insist on eating them warm and slathered in butter. 

chocolate hot cross buns


I'm not sure what prompted me to make hot cross buns honestly - but I'm glad I did. 

Sometimes I shy away from recipes that require elements of precision or refinement. Hot cross buns are not exactly a refined baked good... but the element of individual little buns and the crosses... and the yeast. It adds up. Then I saw a recipe for chocolate hot cross buns and I was sold. Plus, like many things I've attempted in the kitchen - it was not nearly as complicated or challenging.

Small hiccups? The original recipe was written by someone who does not live in Boston and uses the metric system. While I remembered to convert all the ingredients, I neglected to do so for the actual baking temperature. After 35 minutes in the oven at 200 F with limited progress, I realized I hadn't converted the "200 degrees" from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Idiot. But, if you follow the directions (which aren't complicated) and set the oven correctly, you'll have some beautiful hot cross buns to share.  

White fish in lemon caper chili sauce


I made this dinner so long ago that I barely remember what happened.

All I remember is that I had some brussel sprouts and mushrooms ... and while I really wanted to eat this meal again... I felt like I had to try something new. While new isn't always better, it does mean that you've at least tried something new. This white fish dish is very easy to come together... and a refreshing change of palate. It has a ting of citrus and a kick of spice from the chili. 
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