setting records
As I return to work today, I want it on the record that I spent 5 hours yesterday on my roof.
I have no idea how I can mindlessly pass time up there, but I can. I have no concept of minutes or hours when I'm cozied up in my "beach" chair, wearing a bathing suit and surrounded by magazines and sun tea. The downside of drowning myself in sun tea is that it requires quick trips two floors down to my apartment ... but that's just fine by me because I can grab some pretzels or refill my beverage.
Yesterday was the last day of my "staycation" which essentially was three days on the couch watching the Olympics followed by one day in the sun. I didn't know that I'd care so much for men's archery but I apparently do - maybe it was the orange hats and the Southern charm?
So in the spirit of documenting, here's a brief rundown of the last couple days.

My Basil plant did not appreciate that I went to the burbs for a few days. I have managed to resurrect it with some TLC ... however I should note that the plant in my terrarium has decided to quit living. Win some, lose some.

There is no better way to start a day than with the Theo's Cozy Corner breakfast special. I mean. The hash browns are perfectly crispy and the bacon is the perfect amount of crispy. And. Diner white toast just makes my heart go pitter patter. Plus, the ice coffee is giant.
I ran some errands around town before retreating to my roof. One of my "errands" was to visit the seal tank at the Aquarium and take a bike ride along the harbor. Look at that baby sparkle.
Piles of reading. Piles of gravel.

I'm finally used to summer in the city. And if summer means getting a little sweaty on my roof, listening to country music, and spying on the Zakim Bridge.... I'm in.
Things not pictured?
- Yelling at the tv during Olympics coverage. I now care deeply for the men's archery team.
- Amazing amounts of sun tea. It's pretty much how I spend my time.
- My face when I totally found a spider's web in my closet. Spoiler alert ... it was not an excited face.