This woman is a hoot


I was watching Ellen the other day at the gym. I don't know about you but I often find myself trying to not show emotion when I watch tv at the gym. It's like I don't want all of the other people there to know that I find stupid human tricks hilarious. I think its also in part because people look a little ridiculous smiling into space while running/walking/lifting...


I saw this segment on the Ellen show and it was hilarious what this woman, Kym Douglas, will do to promote her "brand". In the span of a mere 7 minutes, she saran wraps her head, firms her "chest", and smears pumpkin on her face.

Thankfully, it looks like she's been on the show 4 other times ... so I advise you to also watch these videos for some "at home beauty tips".
- Summer Beauty Tips
- Valentine's Day Beauty
- Unconventional Beauty Tips
- Unique Beauty Tips

Summer Reading: Part Two


I finished two more books today!

I really hope when I return these two to the library tomorrow they have another book ready for me!

Maps are cool


I'm not sure if you've ever been on Etsy - but it is a treasure trove of interesting and often handmade products.

Two items that I'd found on there recently that I love are related to maps. I've always been interested in historical maps and dream of one day giving them their own room in my house. My friend Caitlin recently moved back to San Francisco and someone posted a link to this map on her Facebook page. According to the artist its the "city grid but comprised of only thin vertical black ink lines."
Pretty neat.... I think. Thankfully, the artist also did one for my hometown of Boston. If only I had a home to hang it in these days :) I think it could also be really neat on a coffee table like under a piece of glass or something.... someday .... someday :)

While I was on Etsy yesterday I started to look for other neat Boston area maps.... and found something totally cool that I'm in love with.... a map pendant.

I just totally like everything about this - and like the other map artist - she has many other options and is willing to make pendants custom as well. I'm emailing with her about maybe doing one for Minot - my favorite place in the world. (... and I don't mean Minot, North Dakota).



In the afternoons, I make myself a gin & tonic and go to the beach.
I bring:
- a book
- a towel
- my phone
- a gin & tonic

Oh and of course sunblock...

Life is extraordinary ...

Dog Sitting Day 3: Leg licking and the beach ...

I'm sure you were all eagerly awaiting today's post about my life with Dwight Lind. Right?

Well, we've had an excellent 24 hours for sure.

On Thursday when Dave was getting ready to leave Dwight with me for the weekend, I asked him if there were any weird habits or anything that I should be aware of going into the long weekend. Answer: Leg licking. He was most certainly right. Yesterday morning I played in a ladies tennis clinic for two hours and when I got home, Dwight went to town on my leg. Apparently, he likes the taste of salty sweat.... who knew?
Also for some reason, this camera lighting makes my legs look incredibly tanned ... don't be fooled folks.... I'm not that tan. We spent the rest of the day napping and playing in the yard. After all he needed to save up some energy for his evening swim at the beach!
Dwight took a nap while I went to the beach .... he seems to be quite comfortable...
Dogs are only allowed on Minot beach before 10 am and after 6pm, so we had to get up a little bit early .... Dwight isn't a "morning dog" and would prefer to sleep until 10 am. I on the other hand am definitely a morning person. On our way to the beach, Dwight did take a moment to greet the neighbor's dog, Annie.
Dwight and Annie saying good morning. Previously, they didn't get along.... but now they follow each other around.

"Thanks for the new toy Mom and Dad! I don't plan on sharing it with anyone"

Dwight went for a swim and then proceeded to simply sit in the ocean and "people/dog" watch.

I think I'm more excited...

The beach was gorgeous this morning ... and I'm sure the beach will be great tonight as well ... when we return at 5:59 PM for our evening swim :)
looking south towards the "cape"
looking north towards minot light
 Peace out

Sibling Rivalry


... with boxing gloves?

Back in early May, my sister and I had a joint graduation party. It seemed like a great occasion to break out the flipcam and do some boxing right?

I personally think the video is hilarious - but then again, I know my sister ... and this is her to a T.

Note: you'll obviously enjoy the action.... but if you keep your volume up a bit you can hear the background conversations and some of the stuff that we say to each other.

Oh the memories :)

Peace out (like Mel Gibson's career)

Dog Sitting Day 2: Lots of Napping ...

Dwight and I had an excellent day yesterday ... of which I'm sure you were wondering.

Despite the brutal heat, we both managed to stay cool. I went to the gym, the public library, and went to the beach. Dwight Lind lived the dreamy dog life as you'll see in some of the pictures. He didn't get to go swimming though because doggies aren't allowed on the beach between 9 am - 6pm. Sad face.

Enjoy the pictures!
Dwight taking in some golf action with the only other man in the house this weekend. MAN TIME!
Nap time for Dwight. Good thing he found my favorite chair ...
Playing hide and go seek under my bed.... he doesn't hide all that well.
Acting as the night watch guard during a little evening porch action.

"Lady, you are f-ing crazy if you think I'm going out in the rain to use the facilities... I'd rather cross my legs for 8 hours"
All tucked in for the night and ready for bed.... snoozy snoozy.

Peace out.

Morning Traffic Jam


I shot this video at the beach a few days ago - actually the same day that I wrote this post. It was an incredible morning at the beach and I was captivated by all of the hermit crabs running around. I had never seen so many in one place - and in so many varieties of shells. (I'm starting to sound very "nature lover").

Regardless, I took this little video with my blackberry:

and then... I discovered an even bigger "traffic jam" of hermit crabs. You'll notice that I inadvertently merged two videos together on my blackberry ... just goes to show how often I feel video is relevant.

peace out (like the tide)

Congratulations to all of my blonde lady friends...

I got this in an email today from the Harvard Business Review - so it must be right if Harvard sent it.

Here is the link to the full article.

A woman of many projects

I pride myself on being someone that can keep themselves busy. I rarely need to be entertained. I usually have a book, a Blackberry, a newspaper, something... to keep me occupied .... but at a certain point, I need a project.

The summer before I went to school two years ago was filled with small projects - in that I did "something new" every two weeks. It worked out great. I spent my summer not only collecting some "beach dust" as I like to call it, but also enjoying some new activities I might not have otherwise tried. A few examples: cutting the lawn, auditioning for a movie, going to a demolition derby ... you get the idea.

Another one of the projects I took on that summer was rebuilding the family grill - and after two years, it needed to be done again.
 Not only was the grill u-g-l-y ... but not all of the burners were igniting ... and as a result my precious burgers were not cooking evenly. Le sad. So I did the requisite research and bought the required parts from Amazon and supplies from Home Depot.

The total cost of the parts was about $115 - and then I spent like $10 on paint, brushes, and gloves... so I wouldn't look like a mechanic.

I took out all the old parts - and really scrubbed the interior and sanded down the interior of the lid. This baby sparkled like it was a wedding day. Getting out the old ignition tubes was the hardest because the wing nuts that were holding the side panel in ... were like... o-l-d. I needed some manly elbow grease to get those suckers out (I called my dad).

But in the end... it looks great. It certainly doesn't look like a 15 year old grill.

Here is a slide show of the process:

Peace out

Dog Sitting Day 1: Dwight Lind visits Scituate

As I mentioned a few days ago, I have a male visitor staying with me this weekend. Even my conservative parents are letting him sleep in my room (oh have I not mentioned that I live with my parents again? well... I do.) My friend is such a gentleman. He never talks over me, always sits next to me on the couch, lets me decide our schedule for the day ....  and only requests that I take him outside to use the facilities and lick my legs after I shower.

Yes, its a dog :)

The incredibly handsome, talented, and sweet Dwight Lind is staying with me. We've had a lot of fun so far since Dave left him here yesterday afternoon. Last night we went swimming at the beach and then relaxed in front of the TV. I had wine and he had a dog bone. Perfect no?

Here are some of the lovely pics I've snapped since he's been my live-in boyfriend:
getting cozy on the rug in my room

napping on the couch after swimming at the beach - and snacking on a bone

a morning walk on the beach in the fog ... he was significantly less enthusiastic about the walk than I was ... whatever, I'm in charge.

Oh, you want more pictures of Dwight and I? Don't worry, he's staying with me until Monday ... so there are plenty of opportunities for the Big D and I to create some more memories.

peace out.

Oh Hi South Korea!


One of the amazing things about Google is that they love numbers and statistics more than I do. Its phenomenal - but don't ask me to split a check after a meal because I don't like to do that :)


One of the awesome things about hosting my blog on Google is that they give you stats in real time - as well as on Google Analytics.  Sometimes its neat to see some of the info, like where people are from, what posts are more popular ... etc ... etc.. etc. Note: I can't see specifically where people are from, just generally (i.e. Brighton - not Cleveland Circle).

I've always been interested in getting a reader - or at least a visitor - from each of the 50 states ... internationally is just a a plus! Well, the last few days we've had a reader from South Korea! Heyo! I don't think I know anyone in South Korea, but feel free to make yourself known my friend.

Here is a list of the other international visitors that I've had:

- Canada
- UK
- Philippines
- Bulgaria
- France
- South Korea
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Russia
- Brazil

Maybe if South Korea becomes a regular, I'll get myself some of these sweet "South Korea Shoes" that I found on Zazzle.

This picture comes up in a google search if you search "Hi South Korea" ... really. I used Zazzle to make my sister some sweet cat shoes for her birthday ... they are more cool than the Korea shoes ... and I'm not just saying that because I made them.

Books that I've read so far this summer


One of the things that I lvoe to do when I'm home is get books from the town library. Its crazy easy to reserve them online - and they send me emails when my books arrive and then when it looks like I might be late bringing them back.

insert intense appreciation here for small town embracing technology :)

My process is that I go on Amazon and look at books I'd like to buy... and then I reserve them online. I like to get some feedback from friends and family about what they've been reading as well .... but I appear to have more free time than most so ... I'm doing the most reading I think.


Here are the books that I've read so far this summer. I originally thought about putting a Shelfari bookshelf on my blog site but it seems a little fluky so I'm going to hold off on that for now.

The best part about getting books for free from the library is that if you don't like them - you don't have to finish them (ahem... In a Sunburned County and Commited).

Maybe at the end of the summer I'll total up the amount I've saved by getting books from the library. To be fair, I'll need to factor in that I had to spend $5 on a new library card (I totally lost mine) and the 15 cents that I've accumulated thus far in late fees.

Do you have any good books that you'd like to suggest to me?

Peace out.

Epic Beauty


For the last few weeks, I've been waking up quite early and taking my morning coffee to the beach. I think it all started when I woke up one morning - probably at like 6:30 - and saw how pretty it was while I was driving to the gym. I thought to myself, if its this pretty at 6:30 and the sun has already risen... then sunrise must be even better. Answer: Correct-a-mundo

I have always loved looking at the beach and breathing in the beauty - but when you are alone on the beach at 5:45 AM ... its even better.

I've pretty much been going in my gym clothes and grabbing my coffee and perhaps my blackberry. Once or twice I grabbed a towel to sit on - but today I decided I would bring my big camera that I gave myself as a graduation present. Its a Nikon D3000 and takes excellent pictures - especially considering I don't really make it work that hard :). It pretty much photographs my garden, the beach, and Ireland ...

Regardless... today I figured I'd take some pictures at the beach ... so I got down there and then realized that .... I forgot my SD memory card for the camera. Fail. So I took this picture with my cellphone:

I feel so incredibly lucky that I get to drink in all this beauty each morning.

Its kinda funny because I think that since I didn't have my camera with me, I saw how truly pretty the beach was this morning. If I had my camera, I would have been looking for "good shots" rather than actually just soaking it all in. Here are a few more pictures that I took with my blackberry...

My friend Dave is coming down this week - tomorrow actually - so I took a video to show how gorgeous sunrise is. The quality isn't great for sure - its a blackberry - but its hard to ignore the sounds of the waves and how there isn't anyone else on the beach :)

Stay cool kids.

Funny Website

One of my friends posted a link to this site the other day ... and its just hilarious.

The site is called Catalog Living and is based on tumblr.

Admittedly, I have an interesting sense of humor but I would label this "pee your pants" funny - or at least "fall off the bed" funny (in part because I did).

Here are a few of my favorite posts:
- Out of the Closet
- Climate Control
- Making Do...
- Letting the Universe Know


Excitement! ... and its a dog themed post.


So, I got an email today from my friends Dave and Lara asking me if I could watch their dog for a few days. I appreciate them thinking I might have other things on my calendar ... but don't worry.... I'M FREE. I do know that I'm at least third string on the dog-sitting chain for Dwight behind his canine cousin Jetson and Grandma Kathy ... but I still don't care. He's coming to visit me... and that's all that matters.

But I would also be free any day to hang out with my main man Dwight. He's phenomenal. Perhaps you remember the video I compiled of his last visit to my apartment?

Needless to say, I'm excited. So excited that I sent Dave and Lara a picture of my acceptance. I don't often include unflattering pictures of myself but I wanted to share the moment with you (whoever you are that read my blog).
Dwight is also excited to visit. He sent me a picture back.

I can't wait for Dwight to visit. So mark your calendars for July 16th - because its probably going to be the best three day period of my entire summer.

This also comes at an excellent time for me considering I'm still "recovering" from getting rejected at the animal shelter .... and was unable to adopt the love of my life - "Snoopy".

I was going to call him Snoop .... get it? Snoop Dog? Yes, my jokes are getting more lame.

Over and out.

I'm not an MBA student anymore?

I was just realizing that for the past two years I've labeled myself as an MBA student.

On May 24th .... I graduated.

Therefore, no longer an MBA student.

What am I now? Back to being a working professional? That label makes sense for September 13th and forward ... but what about right now?

Here are the activities that I do on a semi-regular basis. Maybe you can help me come up with a title:
  • take pictures
  • go to the beach
  • apply sunblock
  • read
  • go to the library
  • buy fresh bread
  • cajole friends / family into letting me do projects with them (painting my Aunts kitchen next week)
  • drink wine
  • drink margaritas
  • tend to my garden
  • check the mail
So maybe you get the picture? The headline of my blog is "Musings of an MBA student addicted to the internet and shaking life up one week at a time....". I'm certainly not an MBA student and the only thing I'm shaking these days is dirt off the weeds and drink mixes.

Suburban Moms go crazy

I know I keep promising (ok, fine once) pictures of the refurbished grill... but I'm inclined to post this article I saw on and the local newspaper, The Patriot Ledger.

"Rockland man hauls in 325-pound shark"

"8-foot thresher shark caught off Scituate"

Suburban moms go crazy over this stuff... and since my habits these days are like that of a suburban mom, I get to comment on this.

I'm not saying that a shark isn't a big deal - believe me, I'd prefer my waters to be shark free ... but these people go crazy over a shark being caught 30 miles offshore. Last week a great white shark was spotted 20 miles offshore near the Stellwagon Bank area and you'd think it was pool hoping with kindergartners. One person who shall remain nameless, even thought about pulling their child out of sailing lessons :) I get the fear, I personally don't like to swim in water where I can't see the bottom - but that is a decision I've been rocking since I was probably 5 - not since the latest shark siting.

Do you know how far 20 miles is? I'll show you. Here is a Google Maps image of the directions from Boston to Scituate. It is 25.7 miles. The idea that I'd change my daily habits because a single shark had been sited ... in its natural habitat ... 25 miles away ... by one fishing boat ... is crazy. That'd be like saying a creepy male flasher was running around Back Bay and I elected to stay on my porch in Scituate. (Yes, I know this is a stretch.... but I'm writing and you aren't so there)

Regardless, I'm going to continue on my Suburban mom day. So far I've:
  • let out the chickens
  • taken Jake to sailing
  • ran 3 miles at the gym (surrounded by Lululemon'd moms ... and one interestingly dressed Asian woman working out in an orange tube top and white platform sandals)
  • went to Starbucks for a Tazo Passion Ice Tea Lemonade
  • bought fresh Sourdough bread from French Memories
  • ... then picked up the family dry cleaning

View Larger Map

I know this sounds like a rather "extravagant" day ... starbucks, fresh bread ... but these are the joys of suburban life and I will appreciate them :) I'm off to get Jake at sailing and then its looking like a beach afternoon ....

stay cool.
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