Wednesday is Link Day

So, I've been a little bit occupied with life (ahem, work... travel.... ) but I figured I'd share a few articles and links I've found over the last few days that I found interesting.

Now, no guarantees that you're going to find it interesting but hey, throw caution to the wind and click away.

1. Yes please! 
Google is giving employees a 10% raise.

2. How to get un-friended on Facebook?
This seems like common sense ... but hey, perhaps you have someone in your life that you are unwilling to un-friend and hope they'll pull the plug on your "digital friendship"

3. Do they write this just for me?
If you read my blog you know what I like - I honestly feel like this website publishes news that is meant just for me. Plus, they retweeted my Conan post from last week.

TWTRCON Nice analysis> TShirt promo drives followers: Hopelessly Techie: Conan + Twitter + Free Tshirts ... by @FoleyJennifer 10:23 PM Nov 8th, 2010
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4. Cool store
I passed this store on my walk back the office from dinner in Chelsea the other night. Now, I have no idea on prices ... or quality... but it looked so enticing. If only I didn't live in a Hilton....

5. Don't try and bring your printer on your next flight.
Who brings printers with them on flights?

So... enjoy.

Its Wednesday... which means its the middle of the week.... victory

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